Best Transmission Additive To Fix Shudder
When the vehicle begins to shake or shudder convulsively, the transmission is malfunctioning. Transmission shudders typically occur when shifting into overdrive or driving up an inclined slope when your car is already in overdrive. Transmission shudders are a prevalent problem that all drivers confront on a regular basis. Depending on your mode of communication. This […]
Flight Sludge In High Mileage Cars
Gene Daughtry discussing sludge and friction and how those effect a buy here pay here dealer.
Chrysler 2.7 chatter or knocking
Gene Daughtry discussing sludge and friction and how those effect a buy here pay here dealer
Dodge 4.7 Knocking or Power loss? Timing issue? Try before buying an engine or selling the truck.
SLUDGE is the problem in most cases. The computer says timing or cam phaser.
Ford F150 5.4 V8 problems, Cam Phaser and Timing Issues, SLUDGE problem
Gene Daughtry discussing sludge and how it effects the timing on your 5.4 Ford F150