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Best transmission additive to fix shudder

When the vehicle begins to shake or shudder convulsively, the transmission is malfunctioning. Transmission shudders typically occur when shifting into overdrive or driving up an inclined slope when your car is already in overdrive.

Transmission shudders are a prevalent problem that all drivers confront on a regular basis. Depending on your mode of communication.

This problem will arise at some point throughout your daily commute. Especially if you’re driving an automated torque converter. JILCAT provides the best transmission additives to fix shudders.

Which vehicle has the most transmission shudders?

The answer is that both manual and automatic vehicles are available. Transmission shudders can occur in either vehicle.

The primary distinction is that in a manual transmission, the driver engages and disengages the transmission using the clutch. In automatics, on the other hand, the transmission does everything. You should use a transmission additive to fix shudder.

The Most Common Causes of Transmission Shudder

  • When your car begins to tremble, it feels as if it will break down. The cause, however, is merely tainted transmission fluid.
  • When transmission fluid becomes dirty and polluted, the particles in the fluid hinder the fluid from generating enough pressure in the transmission lines. As a result, appropriate pressure contact between transmission plates will be prevented when they are applied.
  • As a result, the transmission will start to tremble. Transmission shudders can also occur when there is insufficient transmission fluid.

How to avoid this occurrence

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably dealt with it, or you’re lucky that you haven’t. Here are a few preventative measures you can take:


The most critical step is to have your transmission serviced on a regular basis. Not only on the transmission but on every other component of the vehicle. Everything must be replaced and fixed on schedule. And all of these parts have a timeframe or mileage in which they are good to work. Later, they need to get fixed. They then go rotten and produce a slew of problems.


This advice is old but gold. Whatever condition your car has it is always advisable to keep the load low. If you are running a small car and you load it up. It obviously means that your transmission will suffer. As the distance keeps increasing , the load also increases in transmission. Also, if you are driving a huge vehicle and you are running a small engine on it, don’t overload it.

      3. Use transmission additive to fix shudder –

Transmission fluid additives are used to maintain the fluid’s qualities, which are responsible for delivering optimum frictional properties, heat resistance, and other benefits.

Some contain chemicals that soften and swell damaged seals, ostensibly “fixing” leaks.

They have the advantage of being less expensive than a fluid flush or refill.

And, let’s face it, most individuals would rather pour a bottle of the additive into their gearbox than visit their technician for a transmission fluid service.

JILCAT provides transmission additive to fix shudder –

1. CVT Supplement (3- Bottles) 14070-11oz – Don’t replace that Nissan, Mitsubishi, Subaru CVT

One of the best advantages of having transmission additives to fix shudder is they increase the lifespan of the transmission.

The additives ensure the fluid is having a thick, sticky consistency, so it has no trouble keeping the parts lubricated. Use a transmission additive to fix shudder.

2. CVT Supplement 6 Bottles (Half Case) 14070-11oz – Bottles Don’t replace that Nissan CVT

Apart from increasing the lifespan of the transmission. Additives keep transmission fluid healthy, and when the fluid is healthy, the transmission doesn’t have to work as hard. When the vehicle parts aren’t taken care of or lubricated properly, they start to make a lot of unwanted noise.

3. CVT Supplement -1 Bottle 14070-11oz – Stop the Shudder/judder – Don’t Replace that Nissan CVT

It reduces varnish and sludge, stops leaks, prolongs lifespan, and reduces the noise of the transmission. JILCAT provides the best transmission additives to fix shudders.

JILCAT’s friction-reducing additives, supplements, and treatments are infused in oils or applicable fluids used for engines, transmissions, CVTs, and all weapons. They are also utilized in industrial equipment, turbines, ships, and aircraft powertrains.


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