The 5.3 nd 6.0 Chevrolet Kit
So many of the Chevrolet and GM 5.3 V8 engines (and any rear wheel drive Chevrolet or GM Product) in their trucks and SUV’s develop and engine lifter noise. The issue is SLUDGE and other deposits clogging the small channels used inside the engine to move the engine oil. The lifters (and other parts) get starved for oil which can damage the lifters or the cam itself. Get the issue solved by clearing the metals inside your engine and removing the friction. This will improve performance, lower operating temperatures and quieten that motor back to a purr under the hood. Remove friction from the entire driveline and see the fuel mileage improve. Improve performance by lowering all the friction and operating temperature. Reduce maintenance as well since the moving parts of your driveline no longer experience the friction associated with metal on metal contact.